Of course it would… but it all comes down to being able to earn a return of 3% on a $25.00 investment on a consistent basis. Now the question that begs to be answered is… can 3% interest be earned consistently  per day ? The proof can be provided in one of several ways with different investible items, but here is just one of those mathematical examples by using a pretty everyday common opportunity to do so.

A highly successful football sports team such as the Philadelphia Eagles or the Kansas City Chiefs, at some point during the season would always be a heavily favored team to win over a team with a much poorer record of wins. In most of those games, the outcome for the weaker team to actually win against two such power houses is very minimal. Online betting platforms would favor the Kansas Chiefs or the Philadelphia Eagles by odds of [ -500 ( you wager $500.00 to win $100.00 ) ] for a win, and the weaker opponent by odds of [ +375 ] for a win.

If you bet on the Kansas City Chiefs or the Philadelphia Eagles to win the sporting event, then your selection is heavily favored by simple analytical statistics that is based upon the previous performances of the two teams to that date. A win by choosing the favored team would provide a profit of 20% of the wager. An example would be if the wager is $100.00, then the individual who places that wager would receive a 20% return on their investment or the sum of $20.00. If an individual placed a wager of $100.00 on the lesser favored team, which would mean that the individual is betting on an upset that defies mathematically probability, and would provide a highly profitable return from the [ +375 ] odds. That individual would earn a 375% profit on the wager which would mean that a $100.00 wager would provide a profit of $375.00.

CREDIT-STOX’s example of something defined as gambling can actually be less of risk to meet an objective of gaining a specific outcome than that of investing in the top ten publicly traded stocks on the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq. Any of the top ten stocks would be a much higher risk for loss, or less earned profit. However, the very definitions of GAMBLING and INVESTING use words in their respective definitions that actually state the same thing, but a choice of words seems to denigrate gambling over investing. The difficulty to meet a 3% return on investment ( ROI ) objective; by investing in extremely low risk investible items; on a specific sum of money; that would meet a compound interest formula to generate a predictable financial outcome; depends solely on the analytical data of the portfolio of investible items.

An example of how to meet a 3% daily objective based upon an accrued principle of $2,000.00 within the CREDIT-STOX compound interest formula which would be $60.00. That objective could be met by taking only 20% of the $2,000.00 accrued formula, or the sum of $300.00. Next we would select an investible item from the CREDIT-STOCK Daily Portfolio of choices, such as the above sporting event. Using the sporting event above as an average everyday accessible investible item, the investor could pick either the Kansas Chiefs or the Philadelphia Eagles in the above referenced online betting promotion to meet the daily objective of 3%. The above sporting event would generate 20% multiplied by the sum of $300.00 to earn the $60.00. A consistent EXTREMELY LOW RISK INVESTMENT provides the investor this same type of continual profitable gains  to earn a successive fluid growth for the CREDIT-STOX Compound Interest Formula that would earn the sum of $30,121.17 at the end of a calendar year.