CREDIT-STOX is a revolutionary opportunity for debtors who have entered the realm of “BAD DEBT, a very unique way to resolve and satisfy their financial problems. How is that possible you may ask ? The answer is by learning how to compound interest within fifth grade mathematical applications to earn more interest than the amount that you pay in annual interest and taxes. A household income of $75,000.00 a year pays collectively approximately 40%, in federal taxes, state taxes, county real estate taxes, sales tax, and all other forms of taxation, along with all of the interest that is paid annually on household loans.
“Sic parvis magna” is a Latin maxim with an English translation that begins the doable cure for the financial ailments that are listed above… “greatness comes from small beginnings.” Incremental disciplined consistent investing within extremely low risk everyday investible items produce a “Return On Investment” ( ROI ), that provides a financial outcome that becomes a great return on a small investment. The concept of compound interest is not a new financial principle, in fact, it is antiquated in the sense that, King Solomon expounded upon its wisdom within Biblical Proverbs, Einstein parroted its greatness within a financial maxim, Robert Merton has been bewildered by its lack of usage within mathematical educational teachings and general investing, and Warren Buffett has attributed all of his financial success to compound interest. The mathematical financial principle of compound interest can begin from only a very small beginning investment, which is perfect cure for earning income when you are an individual who is already in debt over your head.
“Sic parvis magna” is a Latin maxim with an English translation that begins the doable cure for the financial ailments that are listed above… “greatness comes from small beginnings.”
That small beginning for a “BAD DEBTOR” to begin the CREDIT-STOX journey of financial greatness begins with $25.00 that actually comes from a payment that the debtor remits for an overdue debt.
That small beginning for a “BAD DEBTOR” to begin the CREDIT-STOX journey of financial greatness begins with $25.00 that actually comes from a payment that the debtor remits for an overdue debt. How is that for an irony ? A debtor’s debt becomes the answer to building wealth… a true oxymoron !
The small beginning for financial greatness actually begins with “Y O U R C H A R A C T E R.”
Your character is the first step of obtaining financial greatness, which will teach a debtor how to turn the debtor’s life around from being dependent on high interest loans to earning enough to “SATISFY” the debt, and to also earn an equal amount in “PROFIT.” Greatness is recognized within your character at the moment that you receive a phone call from a collection agency that has been contracted to seek the monies that you owe for various forms of non-paid loan agreements. Your response to accept the CREDIT-STOX program to teach you how to repay your debt by learning to compound interest.
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Compound interest is a simple mathematical principle that is taught to average elementary school ten-year old students in fifth grade Math Class. The compounding of interest can begin with a very small initial investment, which in the case of the CREDIT-STOX Program it is as small as $25.00.
It begins the $25.00 and by spending 15-minutes a day for 20-days out of 30-days that you decide to select the investible items that will earn the $30,121.17 at the end of a year. Would this help an average American who is upside down in debt with overdue loan payments ?
The CREDIT-STOX Compound Interest Formula comes down to simple mathematical computations that are based upon becoming a novice investor who makes wise disciplined consistent decisions when choosing “FIVE EXTREMELY LOW RISK INVESTMENTS” ( such as the sporting event example above ).
The discipline comes rather easily once an individual becomes a member of a CREDIT-STOX 500-member Investment Club.
As this very carefully planned financial mechanical process is executed it turns a once overdue bad debtor into an independent wise investor who is in control of his or her destiny.
There are four categories that debtors fall into when they become overwhelmed with debt and can not pay their financial obligations
Those who ignore their debt and believe that it will just go away are only delaying the inevitable!
Those who ignore their debt and believe that it will just go away are only delaying the inevitable!
Those who belive that they shouldn’t have to pay a debt that had become more that they could handle and believe that it’s the creaditors fault for trusting them to repay the debt!Those who ignore their debt and believe that it will just go away are only delaying the inevitable!
Those who don’t have the means to earn the money for various unforeseen reasons but are continually looking for a way to clear their name by paying the bad debt!
Categories [ONE through THREE ] will eventually have their day in court, and will continue to abuse the credibility that others entrust in them.
It is those individuals who fall into CATEGORY FOUR that CREDIT-STOX is offering an extraordinary opportunity that can turn their indebtedness into learning how to invest and earn interest within an elementary fashion instead of only paying interest.
The debtor will also have several opportunities within that educational and financially rewarding process to obtain a high paying job, and instead of being the DEBTOR who owes someone, can turn the tables and become a CREDITOR with a STOCK value to obtain financial proceeds.
CREDIT-STOX’s combination of these two elementary mathematic principles provide answers for individuals who have become overwhelmed with excessive debt because of any of the many possible unforeseen reasons that they can not repay their indebtedness. The concept of CREDIT-STOX not only utilizes the financial maxim that incorporates unifying these two mathematical principles, it also creates a stock value for the debtor’s indebtedness. The stock value is based upon the “I N T E G R I T Y” that the individuals have continued to exhibit within struggling to repay their financial obligations.
CREDIT-STOX begins that positive turn around for the debtor at the point that the collection agency provides the debtor the opportunity to repay the debt that the debtor can not pay, but continues to seek a way to pay it. The collection agency’s authorization for CREDIT-STOX to offer the DEBTOR an “OPTION” to avoid the collection agency’s further pursuit for payment of the debt, plus collection fees and legal fees upon court action.
Once the debtor enrolls within a 500-member investment club, the process will begin that will provide the debtor the opportunity to earn positive profits within the CREDIT-STOX Program to pay the debtor’s debt. The investment club programming will also provide the debtor opportunities for additional financial gains at least equal to the debtor’s original debt, plus opportunities for a high paying job, and also opportunities to win a raffle for financial rewards.
CREDIT-STOX is seeking the following individuals who by circumstances beyond their control became upside down with debt when life dealt them a blow to all of their good financial planning.
CREDIT-STOX is seeking to specifically help individuals like you, who want to complete financial obligations that they are struggling to pay, because of unavoidable or unforeseen circumstances that upended an otherwise credible life. As a member of one of the 500-member investment club LLCs, the members will be able to repay overdue debts, and after that debt is paid they will be able to share in the continued profits that are earned thereafter. In other words, the investment account will act as a second income and help the debtor manage other credit accounts more efficiently.
First you automatically… L O S E… all of those embarrassing phone calls to not only you, but possibly to your family members, your work associates, and your friends;
The CREDITOR’S COLLECTION AGENCY who manages the collection of your debt has… APPROVED… an “OPPORTUNITY” for you to authorize the transfer of your debt collection to “CREDIT-STOX;
to authorize that transfer of the collection of your debt to CREDIT-STOX you “M U S T” send an email to the following email address, in which you…
“I authorize… CREDIT-STOX… to enroll me into the “CREDIT-STOX Wealth Building Program” to stop all further collection action against me for the collection of my indebtedness.”
the DEBTOR will be provided access to the editions of the CREDIT-STOX Newsletter which will provide explicit details about all CREDIT-STOX Programming. Those details will be inclusive of learning how to invest wisely, bid for job opportunities, opportunities to win Random Raffles, and enter competitions which have life altering financial rewards;
the DEBTOR is requested to remit the sum of [ $100.00 ] to the CPA who is collecting all proceeds submitted on behalf of the “CREDITOR… the COLLECTION AGENCY… and… CREDIT-STOX, which will be deducted from the total remaining balance that is due;”
you as DEBTOR also agree to remit the sum of [ $100.00 ] for the next three following quarters which will complete one year of the CREDIT-STOX Wealth Building Program. The total sum of [ $400.00 ] will be deducted from the debtor’s indebtedness to the collection agency; and upon full payment of the [ $400.00 ]; and completion of the one year of CREDIT-STOX Programming, the debtor’s total indebtedness will be considered “SATISFIED.”
Those DEBTORS who owe less than [ $400.00 ] will be requested to remit the sum equivalent to [ 25% ] or [ 1/4th ] of the DEBTOR’S total indebtedness that is owed to the CREDITOR/COLLECTION AGENCY;
upon the CREDIT-STOX Marketing Director receiving the email referenced in STEP TWO, the CREDIT-STOX MARKETING DIRECTOR will send the DEBTOR an email with the necessary information to sent the remittance of [ $100.00 ] or the [ 25% ] of the total balance due to the CPA’S office;
the CPA will deduct the sum of [ $25.00 ] and send it to a WEALTH MANAGEMENT COMPANY ACCOUNT on behalf of the DEBTOR which will be placed within the appropriate CREDIT-STOX 500-member Investment Club Account;
the CPA will notify the CREDIT-STOX MARKETING DIRECTOR to add the DEBTOR’S name who remitted the sum of [ $100.00 ] ( or the sum equivalent to the 25% of the Debtor’s total indebtedness ) on to a local COUNTY and STATE CREDIT-STOX 500-member investment Club roster;
once the DEBTOR is placed on the appropriate County and State CREDIT-STOX 500-member Investment Club Roster, the Debtor will automatically be subscribed to a weekly subscription of the CREDIT-STOX Newsletter which will update the DEBTOR on all CREDIT-STOX opportunities and programming;
the initial weekly edition of the CREDIT-STOX Newsletter will provide the DEBTOR the scheduling for enrolling to participate within the activities of the next CREDIT-STOX Investment Club Program.