Those “FIVE SELECTIONS” would be selected from a portfolio of sporting events, or other investible items, that have passed an analytical process of choosing the right “TWENTY-FIVE EXTREMELY LOW RISK INVESTMENTS.” Those [ 25 ] carefully selected low risk investments will be analyzed by a staff of twenty-five [ 25 ] highly skilled individuals who have a very high rate of proficiency in selecting profitable investible items. Those [ 25 ] highly proficient positions seek the best [ 25 ] “EXTREMELY LOW RISK INVESTMENT” for each day of the year. Those investible items selected are projected to earn the sum of money predicted within the CREDIT-STOX Compound Interest Formula, and by only taking [ 15-minutes per day ), or a total of ( 60-hours per year ) on only the initial investment sum of $25.00.
Although this all sounds like a scam or a “QUICK-GET-RICH-SCHEME,” it is not… it’s a fifth grade mathematical equation applied to everyday life circumstances with a team-work methodology to produce the consistency brought about by military discipline. Robert Merton, who is a 1969 Nobel Prize winner in economics, finds it hard to believe that more gamblers and financial investors do not use the high percentage advantage of the predictability as the mightiest tool in their financial tool box. Mr. Merton as a researcher believes that “constant relative risk aversions” ( CRRA ) utility functions fit most people’s attitudes to wealth fairly well ( as Mr Merton was quoted in The Economist Magazines December 21st, 2024 Edition ). Mr. Merton also went on to say that… “”optimal” means balancing the individual’s desire for returns with their aversion to risk in such a way to maximize their expected happiness.” Warren Buffett, is one of the world’s most prolific investors, and he attributes all of his financial success and investment techniques within his business ventures to compound interest. But how would someone who considers themselves an average individual, and who doesn’t have this level of military discipline become disciplined enough to maintain a consistent flow of EXTREMELY LOW RISK INVESTMENTS to meet the daily objective of 3% profits on the accrued principle as it grows ?