CREDIT-STOX begins a “BAD DEBT DEBTOR’S Wealth Building Journey by earning the very small percentage of interest within 3% increments over ( six ) 60-day periods of time. This would then begin the mechanic process of earning more interest from the $25.00 initial investment than you would would owe in interest on all of your loans and all of the taxation over the course of a year. Lets look at how the mechanical process of compounding the sum of $25.00 at a rate of 3% interest over a period of selecting 20-days from three months, or a total of 60-days. That would mean that you must select the best selections of investible items in order to earn the sum of 3% for 20-days out of each of the 30-days in three consecutive months.
[ $25.00 at 3% over 60-days out of 90-days ]
* [ FIRST 60-DAYS ]… ( $25.00 at 3% over 40-days ) = [ $81.55 ]
NOW lets do that again, but this time lets begin with the amount of the new increased investment !
* [ SECOND 60-DAYS ]… ( $81.55 at 3% over 40-days ) = [ $266.02 ]
NOW lets do that again, but again lets begin with the amount of the new increased investment !
* [ THIRD 60-DAYS ]… ( $266.02 at 3% over 40-days ) = [ $867.77 ]
NOW lets do that again, but again lets begin with the amount of the new increased investment !
* [ FOURTH 60-DAYS ]… ( $867.77 at 3% over 40-days ) = [ $2,830.70 ]
NOW lets do that again, but again lets begin with the amount of the new increased investment !
* [ FIFTH 60-DAYS ]… ( $2,830.70 at 3% over 40-days ) = [ $9,233.85 ]
NOW lets do that one more time for the year, but again lets begin with the amount of the increased investment !
* [ SIXTH 60-DAYS ]… ( $9,233.85 ) at 3% over 40-days ) = [ $30,121.17 ]