Incremental disciplined consistent investing within extremely low risk everyday investible items produce a “Return On Investment” ( ROI ), that provides a financial outcome that becomes a great return on a small investment. The concept of compound interest is not a new financial principle, in fact, it is antiquated in the sense that, King Solomon expounded upon its wisdom within Biblical Proverbs, Einstein parroted its greatness within a financial maxim, Robert Merton has been bewildered by its lack of usage within mathematical educational teachings and general investing, and Warren Buffett has attributed all of his financial success to compound interest. The mathematical financial principle of compound interest can begin from only a very small beginning investment, which is perfect cure for earning income when you are an individual who is already in debt over your head.
How is that for an irony ? A debtor’s debt becomes the answer to building wealth… a true oxymoron !
The small beginning for financial greatness actually begins with “Y O U R C H A R A C T E R.”
Your character is the first step of obtaining financial greatness, which will teach a debtor how to turn the debtor’s life around from being dependent on high interest loans to earning enough to “SATISFY” the debt, and to also earn an equal amount in “PROFIT.” Greatness is recognized within your character at the moment that you receive a phone call from a collection agency that has been contracted to seek the monies that you owe for various forms of non-paid loan agreements. Your response to accept the CREDIT-STOX program to teach you how to repay your debt by learning to compound interest.